Thursday, March 15, 2007

The trip to Buddha Bar-Dubai

The trip (call it "walk) to Buddha Bar (BB) is one thing I will never forget in my life. But at the end of the day it was time well spent. The bar is worth visiting and not that expensive as one perceives. The crowd is very much high class and the bar attenders are the greatest I have seen.
Six of us- Nitin, Ravi, the Siddharths, Satyam and myself started walking from Mall of Emirates (MoE) to Buddha bar. Started walking from MoE at 8:30 pm and reached Buddha Bar at 11:30pm. My God!!What a walk it was.

Thought of hiring a taxi after walking for sometime and also nobody expected BB to be that far away from MoE. After 10 mins of walking we realized our mistake as we entered Sheik Zayed road in downtown Dubai. Big Mistake: We were walking against the one way traffic. There was no chance to getting a taxi unless we cross the road which had high medians in the middle and vehicles zooming at break neck speed. Never realized it would be a 3 hour walk that too in the middle of the night. Finally we reached Hard Rock Cafe and there was a small wedge in the median. We risked our life crossing the expressway because we couldnt find a subway nor a bridge to cross the Zeikh Zayed Road. Crossing the road was height of desperation, we could have ended up killing ourselves. Next to it was the Buddha Bar and we just barged in tired and sweaty but as I said before it was worth the walk and we made sure we had a great time.

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